Edible Photos
How It Works
Email images to [email protected] with your name, phone number, and pick up date. If sending in pictures (jpeg,png,etc) you must include height or width for each image. Please do not send photos as a collage if they need resizing as it will lower the quality and limit arrangement. When sending PDF or DocX, make sure your margins are set to ¼” to ensure nothing will be cut off. For wafer paper prints, please indicate if you need the image reversed.
Please note, we cannot do any color, tone, background, or photoshop type editing to any photos. Please make any adjustments of that kind prior to sending the photo. If you screenshot a photo it may appear with the X or camera logos in the corners. It is best to download the image instead. Full page images will need to be a higher quality resolution for the best clarity.
Once you arrive, you will be shown a preview of your images. Once you give the approval for it, it will be printed and no other changes can be made. Please allow 5-10 minutes for your print to process and dry. We print on a first come/first serve basis upon arrival. Hours for printing are Mon-Friday 10:30am-5:30pm and Saturdays 9:30am-3:30pm.
Printing Policy
The way the image appears from a computer or phone may vary slightly from the way our printer prints with edible inks and edible paper. Colors may appear lighter or slightly different in color. We will NOT reprint images for these mild differences since it is a normal part of the process. We will offer a reprint for any mistakes of the printer based on position of the page, missing colors, streaking, or tearing. Failure to pay for approved prints/reprints for multiple sheets may result in being barred from using the edible printing service.
How To Apply/Store Images
Keep your images sealed in the plastic until ready to use and away from heat and direct sunlight. Images should stay flat and are best stored in a cupboard or drawer at room temperature. Do not freeze your image. You may cut or trim your images with any clean sharp scissors. Scissors cut best when cut with the plastic layer. Please peel the plastic before using any craft paper punches. Image will stick directly to fresh buttercream, melted chocolate, and wet royal icing. You can apply images to dry surfaces with piping gel, corn syrup, edible glue, or by dampening the surface with water. For wetter icings, like whipped toppings or whipped cream, place on cake no more than one hour prior to the event. For buttercream or fondant, place on cake no more than 48 hours prior to event. If you ordered your cake through a bakery/baker you may take your image to them and they can apply it to the cake. We cannot place images on any baked goods not ordered through us. Premium icing sheets are gluten free and are printed with high quality FDA approved inks.
Email images to [email protected] with your name, phone number, and pick up date. If sending in pictures (jpeg,png,etc) you must include height or width for each image. Please do not send photos as a collage if they need resizing as it will lower the quality and limit arrangement. When sending PDF or DocX, make sure your margins are set to ¼” to ensure nothing will be cut off. For wafer paper prints, please indicate if you need the image reversed.
Please note, we cannot do any color, tone, background, or photoshop type editing to any photos. Please make any adjustments of that kind prior to sending the photo. If you screenshot a photo it may appear with the X or camera logos in the corners. It is best to download the image instead. Full page images will need to be a higher quality resolution for the best clarity.
Once you arrive, you will be shown a preview of your images. Once you give the approval for it, it will be printed and no other changes can be made. Please allow 5-10 minutes for your print to process and dry. We print on a first come/first serve basis upon arrival. Hours for printing are Mon-Friday 10:30am-5:30pm and Saturdays 9:30am-3:30pm.
Printing Policy
The way the image appears from a computer or phone may vary slightly from the way our printer prints with edible inks and edible paper. Colors may appear lighter or slightly different in color. We will NOT reprint images for these mild differences since it is a normal part of the process. We will offer a reprint for any mistakes of the printer based on position of the page, missing colors, streaking, or tearing. Failure to pay for approved prints/reprints for multiple sheets may result in being barred from using the edible printing service.
How To Apply/Store Images
Keep your images sealed in the plastic until ready to use and away from heat and direct sunlight. Images should stay flat and are best stored in a cupboard or drawer at room temperature. Do not freeze your image. You may cut or trim your images with any clean sharp scissors. Scissors cut best when cut with the plastic layer. Please peel the plastic before using any craft paper punches. Image will stick directly to fresh buttercream, melted chocolate, and wet royal icing. You can apply images to dry surfaces with piping gel, corn syrup, edible glue, or by dampening the surface with water. For wetter icings, like whipped toppings or whipped cream, place on cake no more than one hour prior to the event. For buttercream or fondant, place on cake no more than 48 hours prior to event. If you ordered your cake through a bakery/baker you may take your image to them and they can apply it to the cake. We cannot place images on any baked goods not ordered through us. Premium icing sheets are gluten free and are printed with high quality FDA approved inks.